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How do I create a sale?

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To create a sale, follow these steps:

1) Login to your BiblioDirect menu, click on "Promotions" at the top of the page. Click on "Create a sale" from the drop-down list.

2) On the page that appears next you can create a book sale. You can enter a name for your sale, select a date range for the sale to run, choose the percentage book price discount, and select all or portions of your inventory to include in your sale. 

You can choose to include books by your catalogs, a price range, or you can manually enter your inventory numbers. You will also be able to include all of your inventory. You can also now include Free Domestic Shipping as the only discount you offer in your sale, or include Free Domestic Shipping in addition to a percentage discount.

3) Once you have entered/selected your sale criteria, click on "Next >> Confirm".

4) On the next page you will have the opportunity to exclude specific books from your sale. If you offer free domestic shipping as part of your sale, you may want to exclude specific books which are very large or heavy. There may be other reasons that you want to exclude specific books from your sale. To do so, enter your inventory numbers for the specific books you want to exclude. When you are done, click on "Save Sale".

5) To help us promote your sale, be sure to add at least one photo to at least one of the books included in your sale!  

Your sale will be presented to customers in a number of ways.

Search results: Your sale price will be featured in search results, along with the original listing price, to show customers the discount they are being offered. 

Emails to customers: Bookseller sales are also featured in email announcements sent to many thousands of Biblio customers who have chosen to receive special offers from Biblio via email!

Our Exclusive Specials and Free Shipping pages: When you have a book sale running, you will see your sale listed when you use the Exclusive Specials tab at the top of each Biblio page. Customers will be able to view your book sale and search for specific titles that may be included in your sale. If you include free domestic shipping in your sale, then those books will show up in searches on our Free Shipping page as well.

You can review your currently running sales any time.

When you want to review the sales you have running, you can do so from the same page you used to create a sale. In the lower left corner of that page you'll see "Currently running sales" with the sale name, discount percentage and running dates displayed.

Troubleshooting your sale

If you find that a sale you are trying to create does not contain all the listings you intend, or if you are not successful in setting up a sale, please see if any of these apply.

Books must be active:  In order to create a sale, your listings must be active in search indexes. If your account is on vacation or suspended, you will not be able to set up a book sale.  If your account has recently been removed from vacation or suspended status, please allow 24 hours before creating your sale. 

Multiple sales and identical listings:  Individual listings may not be included in more than one sale at the same time. If you create two sales with any of the same books included, then the overlapping books will appear only in the sale created last

Sales with consecutive effective dates can include the same listings, but sales with overlapping effective dates cannot. You are welcome to set up multiple sales, and you will always be able to indicate the start and end dates. If you want to include the same books in your sales, just make sure that the first one ends the day before the next one begins.

Listings added after your sale was created will not be included:  Note that listings you add to your active inventory after you set up a sale will not automatically be included in that sale. If you have a sale running and want to include newly added listings, we can cancel the current sale from our end and you can set up a new sale which includes those books.

If you have any questions about how to set up or adjust a sale, please contact directly.  We'll be happy to help!

I was delighted with my order and your service. The book arrived in time for the occasion that I needed it for. I was thrilled to be able to find an out-of-print copy.

Margaret, PA