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How to find non-English versions of books on Biblio

A quick list of ways to find non-English language editions of books while searching

“El Pez Arco Iris” – the Spanish language translation of popular children’s book “The Rainbow Fish”

As we are a marketplace for thousands of booksellers who list their inventories online from every corner of the globe, one of the common questions that we receive is, “How do I find *book title* in Hungarian/Spanish/Dutch?”

The most efficient way to search Biblio in ANY language is to use the ISBN for the book you wish to find.  Here’s a primer on what ISBNs are and how to use them.

If you do not have the ISBN handy, try your search using the title of the book in the language you are looking for.  For example, if you are looking for a Spanish language version of the popular children’s book, The Rainbow Fish, you should get great results if you search with the Spanish title, El Pez Arco Iris.

Alternatively, you can use the Biblio search function with the title and keyword fields.  For example, input the English title “The Rainbow Fish” into the title field, and type “Spanish” in the keyword field to limit your search results.  This brings up both the Spanish versions, as well as bilingual copies.

If you are casually browsing without a specific title in mind, you may also try entering “Dutch edition” or “Spanish language” or “French translation” without a title or author and see what comes up! Make sure to use the quotation marks for best results.

Another way to browse non-English language books on Biblio is by viewing our booksellers’ inventories by subject.  Check out the books listed under  “Foreign Language Study” by clicking HERE.


  • I do not know if this book is a Puerto Rican sign language dictionary but a Library of Congress search turned up this book Aprende seas conmigo lenguaje de seas en espaol-ingls sign language in English-Spanish Aida Luz Matos.San Juan P.R. As I read the Spanish nuns were responsibles for the oralism education in deaf schools in Latin America.

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