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Historical record of the posterity of William Black, who settled in this country in the year seventeen hundred and seventy-five : also a sketch of 23 English families and some early settlers from New England, who settled at the head of the Bay of Fundy Ab Hardcover - 1885
by Black, William
- Used
- very good
- Hardcover
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- Title Historical record of the posterity of William Black, who settled in this country in the year seventeen hundred and seventy-five : also a sketch of 23 English families and some early settlers from New England, who settled at the head of the Bay of Fundy Ab
- Author Black, William
- Binding Hardcover
- Condition Used - Very Good
- Publisher Amherst Gazette Steam Printing House, Amhurst, Nova Scotia
- Date 1885
- Bookseller's Inventory # 4709