Love in the Afternoon Mass market paperback - 2010
by Kleypas, Lisa
- Used
- Good
- Paperback
"New York Times"-bestselling author Kleypas delivers her latest Hathaway story--the follow-up to "Married by Morning." Free-spirited Beatrix Hathaway has resigned herself to the fate of never finding love--until she begins a correspondence with the daring yet world-weary soldier who plans to marry Beatrix's friend. Original.
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- Title Love in the Afternoon
- Author Kleypas, Lisa
- Binding Mass Market Paperback
- Edition First Paperback
- Condition Used - Good
- Pages 336
- Volumes 1
- Language ENG
- Publisher St. Martin's Press, New York
- Date 2010
- Features Price on Product - Canadian
- Bookseller's Inventory # G0312605390I3N10
- ISBN 9780312605391 / 0312605390
- Weight 0.38 lbs (0.17 kg)
- Dimensions 6.8 x 4.3 x 0.94 in (17.27 x 10.92 x 2.39 cm)
- Chronological Period: 19th Century
- Cultural Region: British
- Library of Congress subjects Historical fiction, London (England)
- Library of Congress Catalog Number 2010712984
- Dewey Decimal Code FIC
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From the rear cover
Night or day, it's always high time to fall in love with New York Times bestselling author
LISA KLEYPAS She harbors a secret yearning. As a lover of animals and nature, Beatrix Hathaway has always been more comfortable outdoors than in the ballroom. Even though she participated in the London season in the past, the classic beauty and free-spirited Beatrix has never been swept away or seriously courted...and she has resigned herself to the fate of never finding love. Has the time come for the most unconventional of the Hathaway sisters to settle for an ordinary man--just to avoid spinsterhood? He is a world-weary cynic. Captain Christopher Phelan is a handsome, daring soldier who plans to marry Beatrix's friend, the vivacious flirt Prudence Mercer, when he returns from fighting abroad. But, as he explains in his letters to Pru, life on the battlefield has darkened his soul--and it's becoming clear that Christopher won't come back as the same man. When Beatrix learns of Pru's disappointment, she decides to help by concocting Pru's letters to Christopher for her. Soon the correspondence between Beatrix and Christopher develops into something fulfilling and deep...and when Christopher comes home, he's determined to claim the woman he loves. What began as Beatrix's innocent deception has resulted in the agony of unfulfilled love--and a passion that can't be denied... Will leave you breathless.--Romantic Times BOOKreviewsMedia reviews
- Library Journal, 06/15/2010, Page 49
- Romantic Times, 07/01/2010, Page 40