Philadelphia, Here I Come! : A Comedy in Three Acts Paperback - 1994
by Friel, Brian
- Used
- very good
- Paperback
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- Title Philadelphia, Here I Come! : A Comedy in Three Acts
- Author Friel, Brian
- Binding Paperback
- Edition 1st ed.
- Condition Used - Very Good
- Pages 112
- Volumes 1
- Language ENG
- Publisher Faber & Faber, London
- Date 1994
- Bookseller's Inventory # G0571085865I4N00
- ISBN 9780571085866 / 0571085865
- Weight 0.23 lbs (0.10 kg)
- Dimensions 7.95 x 4.91 x 0.34 in (20.19 x 12.47 x 0.86 cm)
- Library of Congress Catalog Number 66035156
- Dewey Decimal Code 822.914
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From the rear cover
Fed up with the dreary round of life in Ballybeg, with his uncommunicative father and his humiliating job in his father's grocery shop, with his frustrated love for Kathy Doogan who married a richer, more successful young man and with the total absence of prospect and opportunity in his life at home, Gareth O'Donnell has accepted his aunt's invitation to come to Philadelphia. Now, on the eve of his departure, he is not happy to be leaving Ballybeg. With this play Brian Friel made his reputation and it is now an acknowledged classic of modern drama.