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  • ISBN (13): 9789887797173
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Wounds of Hong Kong 港傷 - Portraits of the Hong Kong Protesters and Their Stories
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Wounds of Hong Kong 港傷 - Portraits of the Hong Kong Protesters and Their Stories

by Choi Wai Man, Ko Chung Ming

  • Used
  • Paperback
  • first
1st edition
ISBN 10 / ISBN 13
9789887797173 / 9887797170
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Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
Seller rating:
This seller has earned a 5 of 5 Stars rating from Biblio customers.
Item Price
$5.00 shipping to USA

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Hong Kong: Brownie Publishing, 2020. 1st edition. Paperback. like new/no dj as issued. Hong Kong, 2020, in Englishand Chinese. 7.5 - 6 inches, 140 pages. Like new condition. Ships from Hawaii. ==. "The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting."Scars and bruises may fade, but we must remember what caused them. The purpose of《Wounds of Hong Kong》is to record police brutality. All 24 interviewees have sacrificed in their own ways during the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement. Among the thousands wounded, they are only a few. I would like to sincerely thank them for sharing their experience, insights, and feelings to me. I remember at the beginning of the resistance outbreak in June of 2019. As a photographer/journalist, I felt unsure. Protesters all covered their faces with masks, so how could I tell their stories? How can I search their ethos beneath the masks? However, my worry was quickly swept away as I realized that they weren't the only ones… Read More
Item Price
$5.00 shipping to USA
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Wounds of Hong Kong: Portraits of the Hong Kong Protesters and Their Stories = Gang shang 港 傷

by Ko Chung Ming (author), Choi Wai Man (photographer)

  • Used
  • Paperback
Used - Very good.
ISBN 10 / ISBN 13
9789887797173 / 9887797170
Quantity Available
Oakland, California, United States
Seller rating:
This seller has earned a 5 of 5 Stars rating from Biblio customers.
Item Price
$4.45 shipping to USA

Show Details

Brownie Publishing. 2020. Trade paperback. Very good.. 135 p. Includes illustrations. . "The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting. Scars and bruises may fade, but we must remember what caused them. The purpose of Wounds of Hong Kong is to record police brutality. All 24 interviewees have sacrificed in their own ways during the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement. Among the thousands wounded, they are only a few. I would like to sincerely thank them for sharing their experience, insights, and feelings to me. I remember at the beginning of the resistance outbreak in June of 2019. As a photographer/journalist, I felt unsure. Protesters all covered their faces with masks, so how could I tell their stories? How can I search their ethos beneath the masks? However, my worry was quickly swept away as I realized that they weren't the only ones fighting, so were you and I. Apart from the street clashes, the daily challenges these protesters face also reflect the… Read More
Item Price
$4.45 shipping to USA
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