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Deja Vu Books

Poplar Grove, Illinois, USA

Deja Vu Books specializes in Childrens, Dog Books, Horse Books

About Deja Vu Books

NOT AN OPEN SHOP: please e-mail questions and leave phone number if you\'d like - I\'ll get back with you! Catalog sales specializing in children\'s horse dog, and animal books; adult horse fiction and non-fiction; some aviation; and childrens books to read or collect.
Biblio Member Since

Deja Vu Books

Poplar Grove, IL 61065-8246 USA
Phone: (815) 520-3724

Terms of sale for Deja Vu Books

Prepaid check or money order US currency.Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express accepted. Also take PAYPAL.S/H in US: Priority mail - $6.00 first book, $1.00 each addt\'l. Media mail - $3.00 first book, $1.00 each additional. Some heavier books may be higher.Ins. Extra Foreign shipment costs determined with order.All items returnable for full refund if not as described in listing - buyer must notify me by email BEFORE RETURNING within 3 days of receipt of item.

Payment Methods Accepted

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