Bookstores specializing in Government & Politics
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Canaltown Booktraders
Tillson, New York, United States
Quality Books, Good Prices, Great Service. What you look for in an Antiquarian Book Dealer. Over twenty five years as a Merchant, and forty five years as a Collector. We have been purveyors of fine books since 1994. Thousands of readers and collectors have browsed our store in the Hudson River Valley, nestled between the foot of the Catskills and the head of the Shawangunk Ridge in beautiful Rosendale NY. We closed our doors, after 5 years on Main Street, to devote more time to civic endeavors and community projects. We couldn't let go of our true love though, books. So we continue to do what we enjoy. Our specialty is locating those "impossible to find" books that you loved as a child or haven't seen in years. We will also appraise your collection, from a single volume to an entire library. Contact us for details. In the meantime, browse and have fun, and rest assured, you are getting your books from the most professional Antiquarian book dealer on the net. Thanks for looking! Patrick and Ann