Bookstores specializing in Zoology
Looking for zoology books? We host 7000 of the finest online book stores and booksellers, including specialists in zoology. Use the list below to locate a specific specialist bookseller or book store near you. Or, use the form below to search the inventory of all booksellers who specialize in zoology
Acanthophyllum Books
Holywell, Flintshire, United Kingdom
OUR BUSINESS Acanthophyllum Books is located in Holywell, Flintshire, UK. We are open by appointment only: please phone 0775 858 3706 or email a.books@mac.comWe are proud to be members of the P.B.F.A., a trade association of antiquarian booksellers.
Aquila Natural History Books / Aquila Antiquariaat)
Lochem, Netherlands
International specialist mail-order business since 1971 in the geological and biological sciences. Printed subject catalogues available free on request. On-line catalogues available for browsing on our Internet website. - Additional stock of interesting and scarce books in various subjects: literature, history, geography & travel, the arts, philosophy, etc. displayed on-line only in the sites of Abebooks, Biblio, Maremagnum, and BookPursuit, and Booklooker.
Biomed Rare Books
North Garden, Virginia, United States
I established BioMed Rare Books in 2015 as an internet-based bookshop specializing in rare and antiquarian books and papers in medicine and the life sciences. I have been collecting and studying printed works in these fields for many years, an activity that has enhanced and informed my practice of medicine and my own biological research.
Eryops Books
Stephenville, Texas, United States
Internet and mail order bookstore for out of print and rare books in the natural sciences and archeology.
Isabelline Books
Penryn, Cornwall, United Kingdom
I specialize in books on ornithology with some other Natural History. Two catalogues on ornithology are published annually.
Pemberley Natural History Books
Pemberley Natural History Books also has a brick-and-mortar store! Visit them in:
IVER, United Kingdom
Pemberley Books
Specialist Natural History Booksellers, providing a mail order service for individual, museums, research institutes, universities and libraries around the world. We supply new, used and antiquarian books on all aspects of natural history, particularly specialising in entomology.
Established 1989.
Website: Searchable stock database and secure ordering
We also have a specialist bookshop in Iver (just west of London - easy to reach by train or car, and close to Heathrow Airport)