Giovanni Valverde - Anatomia del corpo humano nuovamente ristampata e con l'aggiunta d'alcune tavole ampliata -Stamperia dei Giunti, Venezia 1608.Complete. In folio. Seventeenth-century engrave edition of the famous anatomy text originally published in Spanish in 1556, reprint of the second Italian edition (Giunti 1586), the first to contain the four full-page plates relating to the muscles added between pages 82/83. Treatise written by the greatest Spanish anatomist of the time who was inspired by the "Fabrica" of Andreas Vesalius, to which he added new knowledge. The 46 beautiful anatomical plates, splendidly realistic and rightly famous, were engraved in copper by Nicolas Beatrizet and probably designed by Gaspar Becerra (1520-1570).