This brilliant account of theadtentures and exploratious of thegreat archaeologists brings to lifethe mvsterious past ofmankind in aresplendent narrative.Nineveh,Babylon,Troy,Crete,the Valley of Kings.Karnak,Assurbani-pal's Palace.Pompeii,Herculaneum,the RosettaStone, Ur,Chichén-Itzá, the Pyramids of Teotihua-can-here are the glamorons names of archæology.
No science has beed mare romantically adventurous,but until now this stirring story has been hopelesslybried in technical and scientific treatises.
Ceramspreaels it before the lavman in all its excitement andeolor, in addition, he pictures the scientific achieve-menits of the archæologists fully and reliably.
He shows how they uncovered the fabled civilizationsof the aucient world, aud how, step by step. theypusher back the horizous of mankind by five thou-sand years
Hete in their most dramatic form are the stories of Sehliemam's discovery of the ruinsof Troy.of Carter's discovery of the untouched tombof Tutankhamen, of Stephens's wonderful… Read More