Ornamental Horticulture : Science, Operations and Management Hardcover - 2000
by Jack Ingels
- Used
- very good
- Hardcover
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- Title Ornamental Horticulture : Science, Operations and Management
- Author Jack Ingels
- Binding Hardcover
- Edition Third Edition
- Condition Used - Very Good
- Pages 576
- Volumes 1
- Language ENG
- Publisher Delmar Cengage Learning, USA
- Date 2000
- Illustrated Yes
- Bookseller's Inventory # G0766814173I4N00
- ISBN 9780766814172 / 0766814173
- Weight 2.43 lbs (1.10 kg)
- Dimensions 9.61 x 8.24 x 1.03 in (24.41 x 20.93 x 2.62 cm)
- Library of Congress subjects Ornamental horticulture
- Library of Congress Catalog Number 00064355
- Dewey Decimal Code 635.9
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Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to list the important roles played by green plants in our lives and the earth's ecosystem.