Open bookstores within 50 miles of 38501

We found 4 independent new or used book store(s) near 38501 with open storefronts. If you are interested in visiting one of these stores, we highly advise that you contact them first by email or phone to verify store hours. And, be sure to say 'Biblio says hello!' when you stop by!


Fairfield Glade, Tennessee, United States

We are providers of new and used textbooks Pre-K thru 16th grade. We will ship same business day as we receive your order, provided we receive your order prior to our 1:00 P.M. Central visit to the Post Office. We also carry a wide range of supplemental teaching materials such as CDS, DVDs, DVRs, VHS and other educational aides.

Gentry Rare Books

Cookeville, Tennessee, United States

Gentry Rare Books is a small online resource for customers who understand and appreciate the value of first edition / rare books. We are constantly looking for these books so we can offer you these wonderful finds. Thank you for purchasing from us.

Olden Tomes

Cookeville, Tennessee, United States

Repository and seller of books online.


HILHAM, Tennessee, United States

We are collectors of Civil War medical items from books to surgical sets.