Book Value
Check how much similar copies are currently being offered for.
The easiest way to know how much your copy of a book is worth on the
open market is to check on how much similar copies are currently being
offered for. Try to search for similar copies on BIBLIO to see if any of
our sellers have comparable copies.
You can also check the Auction & Book Sales Archive by Biblio, which is the authoritative record of book and manuscript auction records, carefully curated for over 50 years. ABSA provides invaluable insight into the provenance, identification, scarcity, and value of antiquarian books and manuscripts, available via subscription and open to professional book dealers, libraries and institutions, appraisers, auction houses, archivists, and private book collectors.
You might decide to offer your copy to a reputable local bookseller instead of selling it on your own. A professional bookseller can give you an immediate fair offer for your book, but their price will need to factor in the profit they need to run their business, so don't be surprised to be offered 1/4 of the average retail price. Their offer will figure in their costs and the time that they expect to have it in their stock before a buyer comes along.