The Color Purple Hardcover - 1982
by Alice Walker
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- Hardcover
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- Title The Color Purple
- Author Alice Walker
- Binding Hardcover
- Edition First Edition
- Condition Used - Acceptable
- Pages 245
- Volumes 1
- Language ENG
- Publisher Harcourt Trade Publishers, New York
- Date 1982
- Bookseller's Inventory # G0151191530I5N10
- ISBN 9780151191536 / 0151191530
- Weight 0.96 lbs (0.44 kg)
- Reading level 670
- Library of Congress subjects Domestic fiction, Sisters
- Library of Congress Catalog Number 81048242
- Dewey Decimal Code FIC
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About this book
The Color Purple is an acclaimed epistolary novel by
American author Alice Walker. Taking place mostly in rural Georgia, this
collection of letters weaves an intricate mosaic of women joined by their love
for each other, the men who abuse them, and the children they care for. In
this, The Color Purple focuses on black female life in the American South
during the 1930s, addressing the numerous issues including their exceedingly
low position in American social culture.
The novel received the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the National Book Award. Because of the explicit content, particularly in terms of violence, The Color Purple has been a frequent target of censors, appearing on the American Library Association list of the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990-1999.
The novel received the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the National Book Award. Because of the explicit content, particularly in terms of violence, The Color Purple has been a frequent target of censors, appearing on the American Library Association list of the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990-1999.
First Edition Identification
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich first published The Color Purple
in New York in 1982. First editions state “First Edition” on the copyright page
along with “BCDE,” the publisher’s code.