Book reviews from briellegood

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briellegood's average rating is 4 of 5 Stars.

Soul Surfer

by Bethany Hamilton; Rick Bundschuh; Contributor-Sheryl Berk

On Dec 3 2012, Briellegood said:
briellegood rated this book 4 of 5 Stars.
Soul Surfer : Bethany HamiltonSoul surfer is about a girl about 14 years old how lived in Hawaii and was always in the water. She feels free when she is in the water. But when she was surfing with her best friend Alana at North Shore of Kauai a great white shark attack. It took almost Bethany’s entire left arm off. She blackout and woke up in the car with Alana crying and her father calling Bethany’s parents saying to meet them at the hospital. With shirt wrapped a round her arm they get to the hospital. With everybody in her family which were her oldest brother Noah and her second brother Timmy and her mom and dad all in the hospital as she wakes up. My recommendation was, I really liked this book very much after I read the book I saw them movie witch is just as good! I’m not the best reader but I felt like I could read this book in my level. I would give this book 4/5 stars.