Book reviews from Blue_Moon_Bookshop

North Carolina, United States

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Blue_Moon_Bookshop's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

The Princess Bride

by William Goldman

On Oct 5 2010, Blue_Moon_Bookshop said:
Blue_Moon_Bookshop rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
This is an easy book to recommend. It can be appreciated on several levels. Most simply, it is an action filled romance, set in medieval times, chronicling tribulations a young farm boy who leaves home to make his fortune and so win the love of Buttercup. The plot is full of twists and turns, and while it's entirely suitable for young adults, the book shortly reveals itself as gently crafted sendup of both romance and adventure. Golding's finely crafted prose maintains your interest, and the humorous intent gradually builds. There are numerous great scenes ("For you see, I am also not left-handed" and "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya" come to mind), and the dialog, while uneven, is at time sublime. While this is probably not great literature, and it may not make you a better person, it may very likely provide you with excellent entertainment. The movie adaptation is very well done, but it leaves out much of the subtlety and character development the Golding provides. The Princess Bride is a fun read.