Book reviews from BookFiend

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BookFiend's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

Paraworld Zero

by Matthew Peterson

On Jan 8 2009, BookFiend said:
BookFiend rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
Okay, I have to admit I found myself laughing out loud several times during this audio book. The characters are so fun to listen to as they banter, joke, cry, etc. Paraworld Zero takes you through many emotions and leaves you feeling well entertained. There are some deeper parts dealing with slavery and self-esteem issues, but in general the book doesn't take itself too seriously. The narration and pacing was spot on. There's a female and a male narrator, by the way, which I like, since a male trying to do female voices often sounds strange to me. I was impressed with the narrators' ability to change their voices so dramatically. This is a kid's fantasy, mind you, so many of the voices are somewhat cartoonish, but don't let that stop you from listening if you're an adult. There's a whole storyline with adult characters interwoven within the plot, and this really did keep my interest. I'd like to see more of these older characters in future installments. Since there are multiple storylines going on, the book keeps you on your toes, especially the climax, which brought everything together superbly. I'm not usually one to be surprised at the end of a mystery, but this one threw me for a loop. I can't wait for the next book.