Book reviews from JanKopecky

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JanKopecky's average rating is 2 of 5 Stars.
On Oct 30 2007, JanKopecky said:
JanKopecky rated this book 2 of 5 Stars.
I am amazed how it is possible that such a book was ever published. You can find about the book this affirmation: "It includes the Latin of Jerome's Bible and that of canon law, liturgy, scholastic philosophers, Ambrosian hymns, and papal bulls." ( I would say that it is an error or nearly a lie. The book contains mostly the latin of the New Testament, liturgy, prayers and various pious exclamations. Almost nothing of scholastic philosophers. It contain many exercise, right. I ordered this books in hope to be able to use some ot its exercises with my students at a catholic grammar school, where the students are mostly from catholic families and their attitude to the church is friendly. Well, I would not dare to use the exercises from this textbook with them. The grammar exercises are so "pious" that suitable just for catholic devotees or better said, for fanatics. Although the ecclesiastical latin is very rich and the works of the church teachers quite interesting from the point of view of history, philosophy and literature, the author of this textbook however, according to my view, totally failed to show it.