Book reviews from ReaderPeg

Florida, United States

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ReaderPeg's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

Clairvoyant Countess

by Dorothy Gilman

On Oct 5 2009, ReaderPeg said:
ReaderPeg rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
It's just a fun read, well written, light fare. Just a very nice interlude between more serious tomes.

The Matriarch

by Charles Roy MacKinnon

On Jul 23 2009, ReaderPeg said:
ReaderPeg rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
I discovered Charles Roy MacKinnon recently and have read two books by him. It is a real pleasure to read someone who is literate, tells a story and develops his characters so they really come alive as you read about them. He seems to specialize in creating a family saga that is complete in one book. Starting with a very youthful hero or heroine, he takes them through all stages of life's tragedies and pleasures, creating a most interesting and entertaining read. I highly recommend him.