Book reviews from emtwilliams

New York, United States

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emtwilliams's average rating is 3 of 5 Stars.

The Girl Next Door

by Jack Ketchum

On Mar 31 2011, Emtwilliams said:
emtwilliams rated this book 3 of 5 Stars.
Now I don't have a weak stomach and I can deal with reading about abuse and torture. Maybe because the story is loosely based on a true event that made it hard to read at my normal pace. He is very detailed in the way he describes the events taking place in the book. It took me to a place that was very dark. I could feel this little girls pain and that was a little hard for me to handle. As far as writing skills are concerned Jack Ketchum is fantastic. I attend a monthly book club and this was the pick for the book that month or else I probably would have never read any of his books. I think I will pick another one of his books and give it a go. It kept me coming back but I could only ready little bits at a time by the middle of the book.